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Showing posts from June, 2021

What is Transmission control Protocol/Internet Protocol

  TCP/IP Model Transmission control Protocol/Internet Protocol  Developed by DARPA(1970)-Defense Advanced Rese arch Project Agency  Can identify four layers Application       2. Host-to-Hos t (trans port)       3.Internet       4.Network Access  Network Access - Responsible for se nding and receiving packets  Internet - Provide s functions such as packaging, addres s ing, routing  Transport - Transportation and delivery of data packets   Application: Ability to acces s the servic es of the other layers TCP – Transmission Control Protocol Convert the informatio n into seg me nts It provide s se que nc es number for each segment to put se gment back into an order Will wait till the acknowledge me nt from receiving end 3-way hands hake to esta blish connection UDP – User Datagram Protocol Unreliable connection No 3-way hands hake Not respons ible to check the delivery of the packet to the destination No acknowle dge ment process IP – Internet Protocol Principal communicatio

ethernet frame format explanation || Cyber Exploit 2.0

 Ethernet Framing Preamble: Synchronize transmission timing  SFD(Start Frame Delimeter): Detects the beginning of the data Destinatio n Addres s (DA): 48 bit value repre s ents the destination MAC Addres s Source Addres s (S A): 48 bit value repre s ents the destination MAC Addres s Length or Type:  Ethernet version 1 use s a Length field  But the Ethernet version 2 uses a Type Field to identify the Network Layer protoc ol Data:  Packet sent to the DLL from the Network Layer  Size can be 46 to 1500 byte s Frame Chec k Sequence(FCS):  Stores the Cyclic Redundanc y Chec k(CRC) ans wer  Answer should be same in both source and destination Ethernet at the Data Link layer Responsible for Hardware Addressing  Hardware / MAC / Physical Address  Uniquely identifies each node of a network  48 bits specified in Hexadecimal format se parate d in six fields  Locate d on the Network Interfac e Card (NIC)  Other names - Burned-in- addres s(BIA)  Examples - 0000.0a12.3456 or 00-00-0

​​How To Encrypt Keyboard To Avoid Keyloggers

 ​​How To Encrypt Keyboard To Avoid Keyloggers Step 1. First of all download and install the toolKeyScrambler.You Can Easily Get it on Google Step 2. Now after downloading, install it and after complete installation, you have to reboot your system. Step 3. Now when your computer boots up, right click on the icon of KeyScrambler in the system tray at the bottom of a screen. Step 4. Now choose options from there and Keyscrambler will open Step 5. Now you can alter settings in this according to your wish and after that simply click on ok. Now your key scrambler app is ready, open your browser and type anything you can see that your keystrokes are being encrypted. That’s it! you are done, now you can see this tool every time you open your browser. I hope this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

Introduction to Computer Network || Cyber Exploit 2.0

 Introduction to computer networks Network – interconnected nodes and components, which helps to communicate for sharing data. Network Characteristics:  Cost   Security  Speed  Topology  Scalability  Reliability  Availability Essentials:  Personal Computer/System  Ethernet Card  Network Devices  Medium  Operating System – Derivers/NW Model Transmission Modes: Simplex Half Duplex Full Duplex Types of Messaging (Addressing): Broadcast – one to all  Multicast – one to many Unicast – one to one Networking Topologies: Describe the physical and logical arrangement of the network nodes Physical – Placement of various components Logical – Data flows within the network Types of Network Topology: Bus Topology Linear topology All the nodes and the terminators are connected through one wire Terminator – absorbs the signal when it reaches the end of the wire Ring Topology Forming a single continuous pathway for signals through each node Each node connects to exactly t

How to Install Metasploit Framework on Android in Termux

How to Install Metasploit Framework on Android in Termux | TermuxHacking                      Step 1: apt update && apt upgrade Step 2: apt install curl Step 3:  curl -LO  Step 4 : chmod +x Step 5:  ls Step 6:  ./ I hope this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

How to Remove Facebook Account by Pottu Report Tool Turmux in 5 Minutes

How to Remove Facebook Account by Pottu Report Tool Turmux in 5 Minutes    Step 1:  apt update && apt upgrade Step 2:  apt install python Step 3:  apt install git Step 4: git clone Step 5: cd Report Step 6:  ls Step 7: unzip Step 8:  python2 I hope this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

How to Control Anyone Mobile Camera With a Link

  How to Control Anyone Mobile Camera With a Link | Termux             Step 1: pkg update Step 2:  pkg install git Step 3:  pkg install wget Step 4:  pkg install curl Step 5:  pkg install php Step 6:   pkg install openssh Step 7:  git clone Step 8:  ls Step 9:  cd saycheese Step 10:  ls Step 11:  chmod +x Step 12  ls Step 13: bash You IP Address View :  ifconfig I hope this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

How to Gmail Bomber to Termux

  1.Gmail Bomber to Termux  Step 1: pkg install git Step 2:  pkg install python2 Step 3: git clone Step 4:  cd Emailboom Step 5:  chmod +x Step 6:  python2 __________________________________________ 2. Gmail Bomber2 to Termux  Step 1:  pkg install git Step 2:  pkg install python2 Step 3:  git clone Step 4: cd mail-bomber Step 5:  chmod +x * Step 6:  ls Step7: python2 I hope this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

How to Kali-Linux Install in Termux no Root

  How to Kali-Linux Install in Termux no Root Step 1: apt update && apt upgrade Step 2:  apt install git Step 3: apt install python2 Step 4: apt install php Step 5:  git clone Step 6 : ls Step 7:  cd Nethunter-In-Termux Step 8:  ls Step 9:  cd Nethunter-In-Termux Step 10  ls Step 11 : chmod +x kalinethunter Step 12:  ls Step 13:  ./kalinethunter [%]  Select Your Phone Architecture (type 3) {Install 132MB-1.2GB checking up} Step 14  ls Step 15  ./ I hope this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

Credit Card Information Generate Hacking Tool to Termux

    [Open Tremux and Type the Command  Tab to Copy] Step 1: apt update && apt upgrade Step 2: apt install python Step 3:  apt install git Step 4:   git clone Step 5:  cd Card-Number Step 6:  ls Step 7: chomd 777 Step 8:  sh [#]  Count      : 10 [#]  Delay       : 2 I hope this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

How to Hack Wifi WPA,WPA2,WPA2 PSK in Termux

  How to Hack Wifi WPA,WPA2,WPA2 PSK  in Termux Wi-Fi All Hacking Tool Install       [Type the Command ] Step1: apt update && apt upgrade -y Step2:   apt install git Step3:  apt install python2 Step4:   git clone Step5:  ls Step6:  cd wifite Step7:  python2       [open first page] Step8: git clone Step9 : ls Step10: cd wifite2 Step11:  ls Step12:  python2 I hope this information is useful for you. Please forgive any typos or incomplete sentences.

How to Remove Termux Welcome Screen Text

How to Remove Termux Welcome Screen Text Open Termux App and Type - Step1: cd .. Step2: ls Step3: cd usr/etc Step4:  ls Step5:  rm -rf motd [#] Open New Terminal, and see the Termux Terminal is Totally clear.

what is meant by network in computer

 What is meant by network ? A group of system interconnect together is called Network. A network is a connected collection of devices such as Switch,Router,Firewall,Hub etc which can communicate with each other. Why should we do network ? We do network for reducing our cost and time. HUB It is a multiport repeater, It is not forward intelligence, It cannot send the packet to exact computer always it broadcast It allows collision signal and broadcast signal Bridge It block the collision from one segment to another segment (Hub to Hub) It is a forward intelligence it maintain segment table Segment table contain mac address of computer It allows Broadcast signal Switch It is a multiport bridge It is a forward intelligence it sent packet to exact computer,it maintain mac table on CAM It blocks the collision using segmentation It allows broadcast signal Router It is used to connect two different network It forward the packet from one network to another using routing table It forward intelli

what is a computer virus and types of virus

 Virus : Vital Information Resources under seize It is a Malicious Negative program It will affect only a software which have been installed. Symptoms of virus :    Slow process File corruption System will get hang Abnormal behaviour File deleted automatically Unable to delete a file Shortcut file Same name of folder created in all drives Error message saying virus infected Virus Types : Spyware - It is malicious software designed to enter your computer device,gather data about you  and forward it to a third-party without your consent. Adware - Adware is software designed to force pre-chosen ads to display on your system. Malware -  Important data's theft Trojan Horse - System files will be affect Root kit - Boot loader file corrupt Ransome Virus - Data's demanding money Phishing - P hishing is an email fraud method in which the prepetrator sends out legitimate looking emails is an attempt to gather personal and financial information from receipts. What are the different types