Assembling Desktop Computer Needed tools 1. + type screw driver or philips screw driver 2. Multimeter - to check proper voltage Neutral phase - 230 volt Neutral ground - 3 to 5 volt 3. ESD band - To ground our electro static current from our body 4. Screws *Hard Screw-Harddisk,SMPS,Add on card *Soft screws-Removable storage,Motherboard *Sitting Screw-To give gap between motherboard and cabinet Follow Step by Step Step 1: With the help of multimeter check proper voltage Neutral phase - 230 volt Neutral ground - 3 to 5 volt Step 2 : Fix Smps to the cabinet Step 3 : Wear ESD band keep motherboard outside cabinet then fix CPU,RAM and CMOS BATTERY Step 4 : Give front pannel connection to the motherboard Step 5 : Fix SMPS power connector to the motherboard Turn on the system to check for a single beep sound Step 6 : fix HDD,FDD in 3 1/2 Bay Step 7 : fix CD,DVD in 5 1/2 bay Step 8 : Give Data cable connection to the motherboard Step 9 : Connect V...
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